Navmariner - Your Ultimate GPS Companion for Wear OS

Seamlessly Track Your Location and Performance

Accurate Location Tracking

Stay informed about your exact location in real-time, ensuring you never lose your way. Navmariner utilizes advanced GPS technology to provide you with accurate and reliable location data.

Speed and Heading Updates

Monitor your speed and heading with precision, keeping you informed about your movement. Navmariner's real-time updates ensure you have all the information you need to navigate confidently.

Countdown Timer for Sail Racing

Get ready for sail racing with the built-in countdown timer, helping you optimize your performance on the water. Stay ahead of the competition and make the most of your sailing adventures.

Accurate Positioning and Speed Tracking
with NMEA and GPS Integration

Harness the Power of NMEA and GPS for Precise Location and Speed Updates.

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Optimize Your Sail Racing Performance
with the Built-in Countdown Timer

Gain the Competitive Edge on the Water with Navmariner's Countdown Timer Feature.

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why it is best

Navmariner is the best GPS companion for Wear OS, offering accurate location tracking, speed updates, and a countdown timer for sail racing, all in a user-friendly interface.

how it works

Navmariner combines NMEA and GPS technologies to provide real-time location updates, precise speed tracking, and a built-in countdown timer for sail racing, ensuring a seamless navigation experience.


Our awesome Wear OS screenshot gallery here.

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Pricing plan

We offer two pricing plans for Navmariner:

Annual Plan


  • Accurate Location Tracking
  • Speed and Heading Updates
  • Countdown Timer for Sail Racing
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Real-time Updates
  • Priority Customer Support
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Our customer awesome review.

Now Available: Navigate the Seas with NavMariner Wear OS App

Note: NavMariner Wear OS app requires a compatible Wear OS device. Visit our website for more information and to download the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your question today

Question: Is Navmariner compatible with all Wear OS devices?

Ans: Yes, Navmariner is compatible with all Wear OS devices, ensuring that you can enjoy its features and functionalities on your smartwatch.

Question: How accurate is the location tracking feature?

Ans: Navmariner provides accurate real-time location tracking, utilizing GPS technology to ensure precise information about your whereabouts.

Question: Can I monitor my speed and heading while using Navmariner?

Ans: Yes, Navmariner enables you to easily monitor your speed and heading, providing you with accurate information about your movement.

Question: Does Navmariner have a countdown timer for sail racing?

Ans: Yes, Navmariner includes a built-in countdown timer specifically designed for sail racing. It helps you optimize your performance and stay competitive on the water.

Question: How user-friendly is Navmariner's interface?

Ans: Navmariner is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Its streamlined interface ensures a seamless experience, allowing you to focus on your activities without distractions.

Question: How can I get support or assistance with Navmariner

Ans: We are here to help! If you have any questions, need technical support, or have inquiries about Navmariner, please feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at

Contact us

If you have any question, get in touch here.

Our Location

Sydney, N.S.W, Australia

Call us on

(+61) 410 781 725
(+1) 973 797 9183

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Our Working Hours

Mon-Fri 9.00AM to 5.00PM.